Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain may arise from any of the many muscles, tendons, or ligaments surrounding the shoulder, or the joint itself. When shoulder pain originates in the joint it will usually worsen with exercise or any movement of your shoulder or arm.

There are a variety of other conditions and illnesses that affect structures in your abdomen or chest, such as gallbladder disease or heart disease, these may also result in shoulder pain. This type of shoulder pain caused by another structure in the body is called referred pain. Referred shoulder pain typically will not become worse when you move your shoulder.

What are the symptoms of shoulder pain?

The symptoms of shoulder pain may include:

  • Sharp, shooting pain which is aggravated by activity and progressively worsens
  • A deep, aching pain in the joint
  • Soreness to touch the joint
  • Difficulty lifting arms to comb hair or reach a shelf
  • Pain experienced when lowering your arm, for example going to pick up a child
  • Click and grinding sounds may also be noticeable as you move your shoulder
  • Difficulty sleeping due to shoulder pain
  • Swelling and pain in the front of the shoulder and side of the arms
  • Pain and stiffness make it difficult to carry out a full range of normal shoulder movements such as bathing, dressing, driving, and sleeping comfortably.

Relief Methods for Shoulder Pain:

  • Stretching and Exercise: Gentle stretching and exercise can help to relieve shoulder pain and prevent future injuries. Try doing shoulder circles, wall push-ups, and arm rotations to improve your range of motion.
  • Hot and Cold Therapy: Applying heat or cold to your shoulder can help to reduce pain and inflammation. Try using a hot pack or a cold compress for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  • Massage Therapy: Massage therapy can be very effective for relieving shoulder pain. A professional massage therapist can use various techniques to reduce tension and promote healing in the affected area.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that can be effective for shoulder pain relief. The practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and reduce pain.
  • Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care can help to improve your posture and relieve shoulder pain. A chiropractor can use spinal adjustments and other techniques to alleviate tension in the affected area.

If you have questions about shoulder pain or are struggling with controlling your symptoms, call us