
Back Pain & Sciatica Relief

Back Pain

Lower back pain is an extremely common condition with up to 80% of the population experiencing back pain at some time during their lives. Although the underlying pathology of low back pain is usually not serious, it is an important cause of pain in the community and has a considerable impact on the economy due to time being taken off work.

Whilst the vast majority of patients with back pain will recover within 6 weeks, a small number will go on to develop chronic back pain and a gradual deterioration of functionality.

Causes of Back Pain

  • Most causes of back pain are the result of irritation or poor function of the bones, joints, ligaments, or muscles in your back. Such irritation can be the result of Vertebral dysfunction, a common condition that occurs when the spinal vertebrae compress or irritate the delicate nerve structures of your lower back.
  • Other causes of lower back pain include inflammatory arthritis (e.g. ankylosis spondylitis, Rheumatoid arthritis), and fractures due to osteoporosis. Back pain may also be ‘referred’ from another location.
  • Unusual curvature of the spine: If the spine curves in an unusual way, back pain can occur. An example of this is scoliosis in which the spine curves to the side. 
  • Straining the neck-back forward, such as when driving or using a computer.



Our Physiotherapists regularly treat sciatica and sciatic nerve pain sufferers and have terrific results!

Sciatica is characterized by pain that starts in the lower back or buttock and travels into one or both legs. Sciatic nerve pain often varies in intensity and frequency, however, usually, there will be a component of sharp, jabbing, or “electric shock” pains that radiate into the legs. Sciatica pain is also commonly associated with burning, numbness, and tingling sensations. Muscle weakness is another frequent symptom of sciatica that requires careful monitoring.

Typically, sciatica is made worse by bending, lifting, sneezing, and coughing. Sciatica is a common problem for manual workers, and sedentary office workers and is particularly prevalent during pregnancy.


  • Glute tightness
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Herniated disc
  • Poor posture or prolonged sitting
  • Poor lifting technique
  • Common in pregnancy


  • Radiating pain through the buttock, down the back of the leg –usually, one-sided but both can be affected
  • Sharp or electric pain
  • Numbness or pins and needles
  • Weakness
  • Can range from infrequent and irritating to severe and debilitating
  • Can range from infrequent and irritating to severe and debilitating

It’s important to understand the difference between back pain and sciatica. Back pain is a general term that refers to any discomfort in the lower, middle, or upper back. It can be caused by a number of things, including poor posture, muscle strain, or injury. Sciatica, on the other hand, is a specific type of back pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the lower back down through the hips and legs, so sciatica pain is often felt in these areas.

If You're Struggling With Chronic Back Pain Or Sciatica, Call Us